for organ
Sunday March 7th 2010, 8 pm
Saint Joseph Cathedral
Hartford (CT) USA
Musics by Giovanni Scapecchi
Emanuele Cardi, organ
Here a complete list of the USA and EU concerts in which Exultet will be executed:
March 9th 2010, 12:35 am
Boston Christ Church Cathedral
Hartford (CT) USA
March 11th 2010, 7:30 pm
Kansas University
Auditorium Dane & Polly Bales Hall USA
March 14th 2010, 4pm
Helena Cathedral (MT) USA
August 3rd 2010, 8pm
Internationale Domkonzerte St. Blasien 2010
Katholische Kirchengemeinde St. Blasius DE
August 6th 2010, 8 pm
Haus der Ev. Kirche, Frère-Roger-Straße
Annakirche Aachen DE